
Posts Tagged ‘color in fashion’

Martin wearing her own designs for her spring 2024 show in Milan. Photo: Vogue.

Color, print, and pattern all evoke an energy, a frequency, and when you’re wearing them, you can feel different. A lot of people are doing this subconsciously, putting on those pink pants! It’s one way to raise your vibration.

J.J. Martin – American fashion and home goods designer and founder of La DoubleJ.

This is a quote from an interview with Martin in Vogue magazine, winter 2024.

Martin believes in the power of energy and approaches her designs with that in mind. She’s known for busy, bold prints in bright colors for both her clothing and homewares, which are all made in Italy.

I’ve noticed that I’m drawn to certain colors at different times. All of a sudden for seemingly no reason, I want to surround myself with purple, bright green, or yellow. Most recently it was mauve or soft pink – I just couldn’t get enough of it, like candy, and I think it’s because I find it a comforting shade. Patterns also call out to me; often it’s plaid but this past year polka dots are my thing because they’re such fun. Perhaps subconsciously I’m shifting my vibe. Whatever is happening, I’m enjoying it!

How about you, readers? What colors and patterns are you attracted to this spring?

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Bill Blass (1922-2002), American fashion designer.

Many years ago, when I was in college and working in a health food restaurant, a co-worker friend of mine told me that when she was feeling low she would swipe a layer of red lipstick on her mouth and slip on a pair of sunglasses. With her armor in place, she was ready to face the world.

I always remembered that because then and now I never leave the house without a swipe of lipstick and sunglasses – no matter how I’m feeling.

In these dark and chilly winter days, with the holidays behind us, we might be feeling a bit blue. I agree with Blass that red, really any color, can lift the spirits.

(On a sidenote – I remember loving Bill Blass patterned hose back in the 1980s. In high school I had a lot of fun experimenting with style and I discovered that an interesting patterned hose in a bright color could really pop an outfit. I liked to sport fuchsia or electric blue with all black.)

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Magenta comes from the red family and it is described by Pantone as a shade with “vim and vigor” and is “expressive of a new signal of strength.” Inspired by nature, more specifically the cochineal beetle, Viva Magenta is meant to reflect strength, power, and compassion in our ever more stressful and challenging world. (Click here for the full Pantone blurb.)

Well, it’s also very bright and hard to wear for a lot of us. Still, I see it as an interesting accent color in patterns for dresses, shirts, and accessory pieces such as scarves, gloves, and socks.

To help us incorporate the new color into our fashion, the British luxury fashion retailer N.Peal offers a list of suggestions. Here are a few:

Magenta trousers paired with a fitted t-shirt for a casual look.

A magenta sweater allows us to play with the new color and can be dressed up or down.

For those feeling a little shy about the new color (or you know it’s not right for you), try it in an accessory such as a pair of shoes or a handbag.

Great ideas, thank you!

What to you think, ODFL readers? Will you be adding a little “vim and vigor” into your fashion looks for 2023?

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